7:17 PM

7:51 PM

I can be your hero baby

" You know you love me,I know you care
Just shout whenever, And I'll be there
You want my love, You want my heart
And we will never ever ever be apart

Are we an item? Girl quit playing
Were just friends, What are you saying
Said theres another, Look right in my eyes "

finaly met Atif...was one of ma dream to meet him..last it hapnd..thanks to d almighty goD,,thanks alot........

1:30 AM


Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.
The world today doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?

4:22 AM


The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you ever had.

In the rhythm of Life, we sometime find ourselves out of tune, But as long as there are friends to provide the melody, The music plays on.

3:59 AM


You' re...
My Friend,

through good times and
my friend, my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,

beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happines
s, with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,

throughout the years!

Thank you for being my best friend . . .
Once you came on my way
At that time I didn’t knew that
we would be best friends one day
I can't find any words to say
How much you mean to me now
At the start I had bit fear
But can you believe now we are best friends my dear
Now we use to laugh together
and being there for each other
You saw me crying so many times
and you tried always everything to keep me smiling every time
You my best friend make me happy
You will be my best friend forever
and none can break this friendship ever.
Thank you for being my best friend . . .

6:10 PM

No love could ever replace . . .

The way you smile

When i see you smile,
The smile so pink and so expressive,
I feel the wind in my way.
So pleasant and so good
It is important to me;
To see you smile.. to see you chuckle
And the reason i never know.
But you keep smiling this way.
All i wish is that one smile..
Specially meant for me,that you have not given.
Give it to me once.. only once..
I'll be content with that one smile...
I wish you keep smiling all day with no worries..
Keep smiling.. "make this world beautiful" . .

No love could ever replace . . .
Once in a while there comes an angel in our life,
who touches our heart in each and every possible way,
with her smile, she puts an end to our everyday strife,
and goes away from us even before a word we could say.
You were one such an angel, whom I saw few years back,
with just one look, you made me to realize what i lack,
like the cold breeze that the distant sea could bring,
U made me to hear the sweet melody that love could sing.
You showed me the way to walk into an everlasting bliss,
there could be no other feeling sweeter than your kiss,
your words gave me all the answers i desired in my heart,
the feelings u gave, I guess no one else could ever impart.
Life seemed so colorful, so beautiful when u were around,
i no longer felt like i'm standing on the grassy ground,
when we were together, the heavens would open the sky,
to let us see all those beautiful stars shining so high.
In you,i found the meaning for my existence on this earth,
U pulled me out of the darkness and showed me my worth,
all the dreams i had in the sleep, seemed only to say,
even a second without you, my soul would no longer stay.
Like every good thing that comes to an end,u did leave me,
all alone in this world, and set your beautiful soul free,
even before i could realize the extent of your love,
you stretched ur hands and reached the heaven above.
When u showed me heaven, I never thought u would reach first,
without u,from my eyes everyday thousands of tears burst,
everyday i know u send ur blessings from the heaven above,
but i don't want anything in life, just give me back your love.
Even though i could not say how much you meant to me,
there is a place in my heart where forever you shall be,
through time i have realized no one can take that place,
your love was such i guess "No Love Could Ever Replace . . ."

I close my eyes
To find in a dream
To be with you
For a while
Beautiful memories
About our past,
Just like the blue sky
Will be there always
In my mind..
For as long as I live
The fragrance of you
I always feel
In my heart
Will never say
You are away from me . . .

1:38 AM

cool guyz

May each birthday be better than the last.
Most of all, I hope we will always be
As happy as you have made me . . .
This time also we celebrated our birthday with our friends and family..form past 4 years we are celebrating our birthday in bangalore only..we had a great time with our friends here..
About us.. we are extremely cool guyz ..Come and Rock with Us..

Normaly there arise a question that what is TWINBOYS..

Yeah we are twinz.But not identical...we love this life alot..thanks to God..

We want to say u all one thing
"Love Ur life..its Only Once"

with love Yours..TwinBoyZ...
the real passion